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Kamis, 24 November 2011

The Subjunctive

adalah situasi yang bertentangan dengan fakta atau kondisi yang tidak terpenuhi.

1. Subjunctive using "wish"
digunakan untuk meng-ekspresikan suatu keinginan atau kondisi yang sudah pasti tidak akan terpenuhi.
a. Future Subjunctive [S1 + wish + S2 + could/would + V1]
example: She wishes I came tonight
fact: I will not came tonight
b. Present Subjunctive [S1 + wish + S2 + V2]
example: I wish the teacher were not angry now
fact: The teacher is angry
c. Past Subjunctive [S1 + wish + S2 + had V3]
example: I whised the students had not left the class
fact: The students left the class

2. Subjunctive using "would rather"
digunakan untuk meng-ekspresikan sebuah keinginan atau pernyataan "lebih suka".
a. Present Subjunctive [S1 + would rather + S2 + V2 + adv. present]
example: I would rather you stayed at home
fact: you don't stay at home
b. Past Subjunctive [ S1 + would rather + S2 + had V3 + adv. past]
example: He would rather the stdents had not left the class
fact: The students have leave the class

3. Subjunctive using "as if / as though"
digunakan untuk menyatakan kondisi yang "seakan/seolah-olah" akan tetapi kondisi sebenarnya berbeda dengan yang diharapkan.
a. Present Subjunctive [simple present + as if / as though + simple past]
example: She talks as though she knew everything
fact: She didn't know anything
b. Past Subjunctive [simple past + as if / as though + past perfect]
example: He acted as if he had owned the place
fact: He didn't own the place

4. Subjunctive using "if only"
digunakan untuk mengenalkan kondisi yang akan terjadi (kondisi yang diinginkan) jika bertentangan dengan fakta atau kondisi sebenarnya.
a. Present Subjunctive
example: If only the students were not noisy, they would get some prizes
fact: The students are noisy
b. Past Subjunctive
example: If only the students had not left the class, they wouldn't have got injured
fact: The students left the class

✯◡✯ semoga bermanfaat ✯◡✯

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